Wintergreen Adaptive Sports Special Events
This annual day-long celebration of the ski season and the efforts of both WAS students & volunteers is always held on the first Saturday of March. Find out more here
A winter weekend for our honored warrior guests and their families built around finding new possibilities, with time for pure fun and relaxation at Wintergreen Resort. More details here
The Annual Wounded Warriors Golf Tournament is held at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg. We invite Wounded Warriors to participate at no cost. Learn more
Our four-day Adaptive Snow Sports Camp for Youth with Amputations and Limb Differences is conducted each year in collaboration with the Adventure Amputee Camp. Go here to learn more
Community Fundraisers & Outreach Events
W.A.S Executive Director Dave Shreve receiving the “Steak Out for Charity” proceeds check from Charlottesville’s Sedona Taphouse manager Jordan Coleman.
Included Among “Regular” Special Events at W.A.S. Are:
Charlottesville Pavilion “Fridays After Five” and Special Ticketed Concerts. Each summer through the early fall, with a percentage of sales going to support ongoing W.A.S. programs, W.A.S. volunteers staff the Pavilion’s drink ticket table, from April through early Octobers.
Lockn’ Festival. For several years running, W.A.S has been a participant at (and beneficiary of) the Lockn’ “Participation Row” Non-Profit showcase. With proceeds from the festival auction of guitar, drum head, and posters signed by festival headliners, W.A.S. volunteers get to tell festival-goers all about our exciting programs, listen to some of the world’s greatest jam band musicians, and collaborate with “Participation Row” managers from HeadCount, a NewYork-based non-profit dedicated to voter registration and voting rights. *Dormant since 2021, we hope to see its revival in the coming months/years.
UVa John Paul Jones Arena Concerts. With a percentage of sales going to support ongoing W.A.S. programs, W.A.S. volunteers periodically staff a Concession Stand at Periodic John Paul Jones Arena Concerts.
Special Community Fundraiser Events Sponsored by Friends of W.A.S. (and with other area non-profits, too), such as the 4OF5K road race, sponsored by Parade Rest very June, the Sedona Taphouse “Steak Out for Charity,” the Starr Hill “Cheers for Charity,” festival events at Afton’s Brewing Tree, the Random Row Brewery “Pour it Forward” nights (and special W.A.S. beer promotion), the Devil’s Backbone Heartland Series promotion, and an ever-changing variety of similar events held by our community-minded friends in the region’s business community.
To volunteer at a W.A.S. special event, or for more information, email W.A.S. executive director Dave Shreve: